Saturday, 16 July 2011

So what is Google +1 then?

Its been an exciting few weeks if you are a follower, or a user of Google. Its launched both its Plus One (Google +1) button which allows registered users to both share and recommend websites, along with Google Plus (Google +) which is its brand new social networking offering. Of course this is a natural development in the path of Google as it both reacts to competitors and tries to offer users exactly what they want.

So what is Google +1 then?

The idea of Google + is to help you and friends remember which sites, places or products you may previously have visited. You know the scenario – you previously found a hotel and can’t remember which website you saw it on, well the +1 sign gives a strong signal as to which one it is (its basically a bookmark). The same goes for other people you may know though – again it may be that friends told you about a hotel they previously stayed in, well if they’ve +1’d it then you’ll see that in the Google search results.

Of course that is the theory, in practice it does mean that you need to be logged into your Google account to both see and post these markers – we’ll have to see what kind of update that gets. The nice thing is that you can keep your +1’s personal or public depending upon your approach to privacy and sharing on the internet.

And Google+  Is that any different?

In a word yes. It’s actually an amalgamation of several different Google services including the aforementioned Google +1. Its aim is to be the next big thing in social networking. It features several new buzzwords including Circles – these being the way you structure your relationships. This builds on the concept that actually you maintain different relationships with people in different areas of your life e.g. family, work, friends etc and it is intended to allow you to structure the way you communicate with them accordingly.

It also features Hangouts, which give the power to build an online area where groups (of any sort) can be organised and communicate online. Oh, and the official word from Google itself is that if you are a business or a brand you should wait a little while longer before applying for a Google+ for business account. So don’t go building your company hangout just yet.

Huddles emulate phone texting (txting) but allow conversations between multiple persons, rather than just two like a phone text conversation. Sparks suggests interesting things based upon a search you perform.  Instant Upload is the online photo sharing platform. There are also some signs of a skype like phone service, perhaps based upon the previous Google Chat.

At the moment Google+ is still officially in test mode although uptake has been exceptional this far. No doubt new services will be introduced in the coming weeks prior to a full public launch. Google have also applied to launch this in the Apple App store – something they previously have either not managed to get permission for, or have applied for – a sign of intention with this product no doubt.

What about SEO though?

Well for some time the search engine algorithums have been taking into account activity levels across a range of platforms including social media sites. So in the case of Google+ this is unlikely to be no different and any SEO strategy needs to reflect this. Of course it is likely that Google will place more emphasis on activity on this site than any of the other search engines will. So at this stage it would be very sensible to be planning some activity for your business on Google+ (note the guidance of constructing a business page above) and encouraging friends and family to start +1ing your website.

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